Vision, Mission and Values
Our Vision
Towards a peaceful environment to live with confidence, without fear of crime and violence. To be a professional, well-trained, efficient, honest Police Service accountable to the law
Our Mission
Somaliland Police is to and confident to uphold and enforce the law of the land, to preserve public order, prevent crime and terrorism with prejudice to none and equity to all. To make Somaliland a safe environment for all the people will serve. This will be achieved through delivery of our core objectives of:
• Providing visible and responsive policing activities within the community
• Upholding the law and helping victims achieve justice
• Reducing crime and the fear of crime
Our Aims
In delivering to our Mission, we in the Somaliland Police aim to:
• Work with and for the communities we serve
• Preserve peace and security
• Uphold and enforce laws without fear or favour
• Prevent, investigate and detect crime
• Bring offenders to justice
• Safeguard visitors to our country
Our Values
• To treat everyone fairly
• To be open, honest and act with integrity
• To build trust with the community whilst working in partnership to achieve our common objectives
• To embrace change and training opportunities to improve service delivery